Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ideology Horoscope: What’s Your Sign?

            I took a the Ideology Inventory Quiz to learn my Ideology Horoscope.  My results show that I best identify with both Risk, Resiliency and Prevention and Positive Youth Development.  With risk, resiliency and prevention, it is all about teaching and showing youth how to make good choices in life.  Youth may not have the information and resources needed to make these decisions for themselves but with the help of youth workers, we can send them on the right path.  Positive youth development is about taking youth and building on their strengths which will help lead down a positive path.  It is also all about assuring that they have the resources they need to maintain the right attitude.

            I feel like both of these coincide with each other perfectly.  In order for your advice to be effective, youth workers must give youth the support they need.  If the youth are committed to making the right choices and have a positive outlook on themselves, then it will be easier for them to take that path that you are showing them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    So I totally agree that youth workers need to support the youth. It is important to share positive views on life and teach the youth about more positive things in life and give them the encouragement they need to succeed. Youth building and guiding is extremely important!
